Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bradley’s 1st Season of Soccer

Bradley started his first year of soccer and we weren’t sure how it would go.  He usually doesn’t like being in the spotlight but this year he ran around smiling at his fans more than looking at the ball.  I think he scored 1, maybe 2 goals the entire season.  He typically ran in circles around the group like he was herding them all.  Too funny!  Kirk was assistant coach for the team and it is a fun age to watch!IMG_3672 IMG_3661 IMG_3669 IMG_3671

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day 2010-Dillon State Park

We did the annual Sidwell and family gathering at the state park in our cabins- so much easier than tents/campers!  We again, celebrated Morgan and Bradley’s birthday while we were there.  We always have such a good time and the little ones are taking over!! Not much sitting around by the fire until they are all tucked in!


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