okay, these things are super cool until you use them for a bit - we got a small hole under the seat in one so we returned it for another and Santa got them a second one and BOTH of the new ones have holes in the same spot - bad reviews from me on their wear and tear factor! Here they are before they bit the dust!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Wii inflatable cars
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
We saw Santa!
Okay, so we cut it pretty close but last minute, my neighbor and I decided to take our kids to see Santa - her boys are very close in age to mine and they all did great. No tears this year! Here are a few of the shots.
Christmas with Humphrey's
Kids Christmas photo
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
1st Santa trip
We went out to dinner and planned to see Santa afterward and I was certain he was there from 6-9. Our friends and step-sister and her family were all ready for him and I was wrong with the time! Big oops!! He was there from 5-8. We got there about 8:03 and no sign of Santa - he bee-lined for the North Pole - his helper said we just missed him. They did have their Christmas scenes set up so you could go in and get pictures so we worked with what we had.
Aaron,Tara and AJ
Josh and Sloane
trying to get all the kids together (missing Abram)
Here they all are - just not cooperating Jenny, Josh, Abram and Sloane
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Zanesville Christmas
We went to celebrate Christmas with Kirk's family - we always have a great time - his step-brother, J.D and his wife, Jerra hosted it. So much food, so many presents, and soooooo many kids! I was so bad at getting pictures during it but you can see with all of the kids, we were in the midst of chaos most of the time. After we had Ryan, all the other small children have come along - holy cow! They will have lots of memories to make together!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Primary Village South Musical
Bradley's school is divided into neighborhoods so his neighborhood did a musical at the Centerville High School. It was so great! The music teacher came to our house and took a video of him talking in front of our tree so he got to be in the main video they played before they sang their Christmas songs. I didn't get pictures of him at the musical b/c I was using my camcorder but here are a few of him with my mom before we left (and Ryan had to jump in too!) I need to be better at using both forms of media! He even sang this year - he wouldn't even try at his preschoool graduation last year - big step!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Dinner with Good Friends
We went out with some great friends for great food! We ended up going to Savona in Centerville and came back to our house for a gift exchange and game-playing - lots of fun! Had to get a few pictures of the event, however, didn't have the camera at dinner - bummer! It was a great time! All the kids were out of the house - so nice to get a night like that once-in-awhile!