Tonight was trick-or-treat in our area. The kids were very excited. Bradley was a dragon, Morgan had a case of chicken pox and Ryan was a skunk. They all looked so cute! Morgan went out with the "big" girls, including herself, Ruthie and Chloe(all the same age), along with Chloe's big sister and her friends and the dads got that group - they cover a LOT of area! Uncle Josh and Aunt Jenny came up from Covington KY to hang out and see the kids- we are so lucky to have them close enough to share things with us. Aunt Jenny, myself, and Nanny Cherry had the boys on a short route and Papaw and his wife, Barbara passed out candy while we were away. We had so many trick-or-treaters - a great neighborhood to be in! So much so that cars were driving in and parking alongside the streets and getting kids out to trick-or-treat - kinda odd but out of our control!
Uncle Josh with Ryan Aunt Jenny and Bradley
Bradley trick-or-treating
Ruthie & Morgan
The dragon, the skunk and chicken pox girl
oh no! didn't they get vaccinated?!(and lovely bedhead!)
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