Every year we head to Town and Country Mall to get our Santa pictures-He is the best Santa around and you bring your own camera, take your own pictures - how nice to not pay $25 for 2-31/2X5's and 8 wallets to document that you saw Santa. This year, we got our wonderful step-sister-in-law and hubby, along with their 9 month old, to join us and my mom came along too. Josh, Jenny and Abram are in Covington but it is so nice to have Jenny come up and visit us once-in-awhile and let me enjoy my nephew. We got there at just the right time, a short wait, and the kids were fine until we planted them on Santa's lap and then the photos will show you exactly what happened. I guess Santa can be a scary man for the younger population. Had to document it though!
Aww, Ryan in the middle screaming his head off while the other two do their part by smiling is, well, pretty darn funny. You have to document it exactly as it is! Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas.
i love how santa is laughing at all of the screaming kids. great shots though.
Aww, Ryan in the middle screaming his head off while the other two do their part by smiling is, well, pretty darn funny. You have to document it exactly as it is! Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas.
Reese screamed just like Ryan & Abram. Avery, though was fine.. go figure! I guess it is scary for a 1- year old
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