Our little boy is not so little today – he looks like a little man and is MUCH larger than the average 2 yr old – he is OFF the chart in height (108th percentile) and 80th percentile in weight, according to his 2 year check-up. We celebrated a little at home and then left that evening to go to Buck Creek State Park with Kirk’s family at the cabins there. Had a great time but he ended up getting a really croupy cough there and found out the day we got home, at the 2 year check-up, that he also had an ear infection. You can see it in his eyes that he is not feeling so well – poor guy! They also had a great beach there and we did a girl’s craft day where we all modified basic picture frames into our own little pieces of art. Fun!
Buck Creek Beach
Cousins-and lots of them! and the 9 month old wasn’t even in this picture plus the one on the way – July 8th, 2010!
Craft time!
The whole gang!
Cornhole isn’t as easy to play anymore- kids are way too interested in it now! Ryan also has his love of trains! and cars! and construction equipment!
Such a cutie! Happy 2nd Birthday Ryan!!! :)
madelyn loved him in his hat.
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